This paper focuses on the non-asymptotic concentration of the heteroskedastic Wisharttype matrices. Suppose Z is a p1-by-p2 random matrix and Zij ∼ N (0, σ 2 ij ) independently, we prove the expected spectral norm of Wishart matrix deviations (i.e., E ZZ − EZZ ) is upper bounded bywhereA minimax lower bound is developed that matches this upper bound. Then, we derive the concentration inequalities, moments, and tail bounds for the heteroskedastic Wisharttype matrix under more general distributions, such as sub-Gaussian and heavy-tailed distributions. Next, we consider the cases where Z has homoskedastic columns or rows (i.e., σij ≈ σi or σij ≈ σj) and derive the rate-optimal Wishart-type concentration bounds. Finally, we apply the developed tools to identify the sharp signal-to-noise ratio threshold for consistent clustering in the heteroskedastic clustering problem.