<span lang="EN-US">Diagnosis is being used in a variety of fields, including treatments, scientific knowledge, technology, industry, and many deals. A diagnosis begins with the person’s complaints and understanding something about the condition of the patient dynamically while in a question-and-answer session, as well as by taking measurements, like blood pressure or skin temperature, among other things. The prognosis is then calculated by considering the obtainable patient information. The adequate intervention is then prescribed, and the method may be repeated. In the medical field, humans, sometimes, have constraints when diagnosing diagnosis, primarily because this procedure is arbitrary and heavily relies on the assessor’s memories and perception of patient transmissions. The work is primarily concerned with the investigation of cerebellar aneurysm diagnosing. In the meantime, it’s become evident even during literature reviews research that a much more basis of theoretical research of a number of existing learning methods was required. As a result, this paper is to provide a comparison of classification techniques like tree structure, random trees, and regression. At about the same time, another important goal is to have a decision-making framework based on biomimetic elephant-whale enhancement for a great deal of consideration of cerebral aneurysm variables, providing a quick, accurate, and dependable clinical medicine remedy.</span>