Distribution of black spot defects and small clusters in 1 MeV krypton irradiated 3C-SiC has been investigated using advanced scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and TEM. We find that two thirds of clusters smaller than 1 nm identified in STEM are invisible in TEM images. For clusters that are larger than 1 nm, STEM and TEM results match very well. A cluster dynamics model has been developed for SiC to reveal processes that contribute to evolution of defect clusters and validated against the (S)TEM results. Simulations showed that a model based on established properties of point defects (PDs) generation, reaction, clustering, and cluster dissociation, is unable to predict black spot defects distribution consistent with STEM observations. This failure suggests that additional phenomena not included in a simple pointdefect picture may contribute to radiation-induced evolution of defect clusters in SiC and using our model we have determined the effects of a number of these additional phenomena on cluster evolution. Using these additional phenomena it is possible to fit parameters within physically justifiable ranges that yield agreement between cluster distributions predicted by simulations and those measured experimentally.2 Keywords: silicon carbide, black spot defects, cluster dynamics, STEM, TEM, size distribution 22]. This assumption is also adequate for small clusters, which are neither spherical nor planar [23]. The absorption rate is then defined as [12,14]