Bioenergetic and hemodynamic consequences of cellular redox manipulations by 0.2 -20 mM pyruvate were compared with those due to adrenergic stress (0.7 -1.1 pM norepinephrine) using isolated working guinea-pig hearts under the conditions of normoxia, low-flow ischemia, and reperfusion. 5 mM glucose (+ 5 U/l insulin) + 5 mM lactate were the basal energy-yielding substrates. To stabilize left ventricular enddiastolic pressure, ventricular filling pressure was held at 12 cmHzO under all conditions; this preload control minimized FrankStarling effects on ventricular inotropism. Global low-flow ischemia was induced by reducing aortic pressure to levels (20 -10 cmH20) below the coronary autoregulatory reserve. Reactants of the creatine kinase, including H + and other key metabolites, were measured by enzymatic, HPLC, and polarographic techniques.In normoxic hearts, norepinephrine stimulations of inotropism, heart rate x pressure product, and oxygen consumption (MV02) were associated with a fall in the cytosolic phosphorylation potentialas judged by the creatine kinase equilibrium. In contrast, infusion of excess pyruvate ( 5 mM) markedly increased . [Pi]) ratio at constant (normoxia) or increased (reperfusion) MVO2. In postischemic hearts the effect of pyruvate required the presence of glucose. It is proposed that pyruvate energization may improve ion pumping by the sarcoplasmic reticulum and hence Ca2+-handling by the latter which, in turn, might increase the contractile state; decreased intracellular [Pi] due to improved phosphate fixation may also be contributory. In addition, augmented pyruvate dehydrogenase flux during reperfusion seemed to expedite cellular reenergization and functional recovery in the postischemic hearts.Correspondence to R. Biinger, Department of Physiology, F. E. Hebert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-4799, USA Abbreviations. Kcpk, Kldhr Kgapdh, Kpgkr equilibrium constant of creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and 3-phosphoglycerate kinase, respectively; pH,, intracellular pH; MV02, myocardial oxygen uptake; dy, mean hydrostatic pressure gradient across left ventricle; HR . dp, product of spontaneous heart rate and pressure; C{CrP + Cr}, total myocardial content of creatine phosphate plus creatine; Gro-3-P, sn-glycerol 3-phosphate; {ATP}, total myocardial ATP content and [ATP], mean intracellular ATP concentration (similarly for other metabolites).