“…29,30 (B) The degree of compensatory frontalis activity, as manifest by the amount of brow elevation observed with eye opening, which is graded categorically and accordingly assigned ascending values of tightening [See Video 1 (online), which demonstrates how we assign a value to measure B based on our assessment of brow elevation.] (C) Eye dominance, as determined by the Dolman method 31 ; innervation for eye opening is primarily from the dominant eye (Herring reflex of equal innervation); ptosis correction in the dominant eye would result in slight drop of the eyelid margin in the nondominant eye, 13,21,23,24,28,31,32 and to account for this, a value of +1 mm of tightening is empirically assigned to the nondominant eye. a These values are referred from the musculoaponeurotic junction (MAJ) of the levator of the upper eyelid, with a value of 0 mm denoting the location of the MAJ and negative and positive values denoting distance below and above this landmark, respectively.…”