Echinococcus granulosus, first reported by Goeze in 1782, is the causative parasite of cystic echinococcosis (hydatidosis) especially for countries that are endemic areas. Since the 1970s, the incidence of echinococcosis in Greece has been very high. Nevertheless, with the implementation of special prevention measures in the 1980s, a large reduction in the incidence of hydatidosis meant that it reached European levels. Therefore, we analyzed the demographics, multiple organ localizations of the parasite, diagnosis, and conservative and optimal surgical treatment over a total period of 39 years, especially for pulmonary and hepatic echinococcosis in children. The higher incidence of pulmonary echinococcosis compared with other localizations, male predominance, wide range of age, and various cystic sizes were some of the main demographics. Because cystic echinococcosis remains a main public health problem, we advocate a meticulous clinical investigation and treatment methodology to bridge the gap between knowledge and awareness of this important disease.