In the last decades, several efforts have been made in geological research of marine areas, especially thanks to the increased availability of new exploration tools (e.g., high-resolution multibeam systems and high-resolution 3D-subsurface geophysics, etc.). However, since large seafloor sectors remain unexplored yet, detailed knowledge of volcanology, tectonic, and geodynamic processes can still be challenging. This is particularly relevant in areas controlled by complex geodynamic processes, such as arc/back-arc regions, especially where information on primary seafloor structures (e.g., seamounts, tectonic escarpments, etc.) are relatively scarce, as for the Mediterranean Sea. This is particularly true for the central Tyrrhenian Sea, which is the youngest (∼7 Ma) back-arc basin of the Western Mediterranean Sea (Gueguen et al., 1998). The Tyrrhenian back-arc basin hosts a complex distribution of magmatic products (Trua et al., 2011), which reflects the late-stage phase of geodynamic evolution of the Western Mediterranean Sea, displaying the geochemical features of magmas generated both from modified suprasubduction mantle sources (orogenic) and from upwellings of asthenospheric upper mantle (anorogenic) (Lustrino & Wilson, 2007). The geodynamic evolution of the Western Mediterranean Sea started about 30 Ma ago, in a general compressive tectonic regime related to the Eurasia-Africa convergence (e.g., Doglioni et al., 1999). It is characterized by multiple and variously directed subduction zones of oceanic lithosphere and slab roll-back, delamination/ detachment of subcontinental lithosphere, and development of complex lithospheric fault systems (e.g., Wilson & Bianchini, 1999). In different stages of this evolution, some back-arc basins formed (i.e., the Ligurian-Provençal and Tyrrhenian basins), leading to the migration of continental microplates (e.g., Balearic Islands and Sardinia-Corsica). The Tyrrhenian Sea back-arc basin originated by a diachronous spreading