The literature on the existence of Nash equilibrium in discontinuous games has blossomed since the seminal contribution of Dasgupta and Maskin (1986). The present symposium brings together a number of recent developments. Throughout this introduction, it is assumed that any game G = (X i , u i ) i∈N under consideration has a finite player set, N , that each player i ∈ N has a nonempty, compact, and convex set of pure strategies X i that is a subset of a linear topological space, and has bounded payoff function u i : X → R, where X = × i∈N X i . Not all papers in the symposium are always so restrictive as this. Indeed, some authors occasionally do not require strategy sets to be convex nor do they always require the existence of utility representations of the players' preferences over strategy profiles. Such exceptions will be noted in this introduction only when absolutely necessary. Also, "Nash equilibrium" will always mean pure strategy Nash equilibrium. Each paper included in this symposium issue is briefly discussed below, and the papers have been arranged in alphabetical order.The paper by Guilherme Carmona (2014) entitled "Reducible equilibrium properties: comments on recent existence results," is focused on connecting a rather wide variety of existence results in the literature by way of a common proof technique. Carmona's paper shows that the various sufficient conditions for existence can all be understood as allowing the existence problem to be reduced to a "simpler" existence problem in which the relevant best-reply correspondences are well behaved, i.e., upper hemicontinuous, nonempty valued, and convex valued, on a domain that is amenable to fixed point analysis, i.e., nonempty, compact and convex. While some early results in the literature take a related route (e.g., Dasgupta and Maskin 1986; Reny 1999, both can be applied), the recent literature's more sophisticated techniques are rather further removed from such a reduction principle, although, in the end, one cannot get away from an eventual application of Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg. In any case, the unifying perspective offered here is both welcome and illuminating.The paper by Guilherme Carmona and Konrad Podczeck (2015) entitled, "Existence of Nash equilibrium in ordinal games with discontinuous preferences," provides several new Nash equilibrium existence results for discontinuous games that generalize many in the literature, including the main result in the paper by Reny included in this symposium issue. The authors introduce the notions of target point security and target correspondence security which generalize Reny's point security and correspondence security conditions, respectively. The authors allow the players' preferences to be given by binary relations that need not be complete or transitive. This can be especially fruitful when preferences are those of a group of individuals. Another difference between point security and target security is, very roughly, that when a strategy profile, x, is not a Nash equilibrium, point security re...