We theoretically investigate the dynamic properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a toroidal trap. A periodic modulation of the transverse confinement is shown to produce a density pattern due to parametric amplification of phonon pairs. By imaging the density distribution after free expansion one obtains i) a precise determination of the Bogoliubov spectrum and ii) a sensitive detection of quantized circulation in the torus. The parametric amplification is also sensitive to thermal and quantum fluctuations. [2]. The aim is to create a system in which fundamental properties, like quantized circulation and persistent currents, matter-wave interference, propagation of sound waves and solitons, can be observed in a clean and controllable way. An important issue concerns the feasibility of high-sensitivity rotation sensors.In this work we show that key properties of condensates in toroidal traps can be measured by means of parametric amplification. This corresponds to an exponential growth of some excited modes of the system induced by a periodic modulation of an external parameter [3]. We consider the modulation of the transverse confinement, which is shown to drive a spatially periodic pattern in both density and velocity distributions as a consequence of the amplification of pairs of counter-rotating Bogoliubov phonons. If the trap is switched off, this pattern produces a peculiar flower-like density distribution of the freely expanding gas. The number of "petals" and their shape provide a sensitive measure of the excitation spectrum and the superfluid rotation of the condensate.We perform numerical simulations by integrating the Gross-Pitaevskii equation [4] for N bosonic atoms of mass M , confined in an external potential V ext :The mean-field coupling constant is given by g = 4πh 2 a/M , where the s-wave scattering length a is assumed to be positive. The order parameter of the condensate, ψ(r, t), is normalized to dr|ψ| 2 = N and may by written as ψ = n 1/2 exp(iS), where n is the condensate density and the phase S is related to the superfluid velocity by v = (h/M )∇S. We consider a condensate of N = 2 × 10 5 atoms of 87 Rb confined in a torus of length L = 2πR = 100 µm by an axially symmetric potential which has a minimum, V ext = 0, at z = 0 and r ⊥ = R. The trap is harmonic and isotropic in the (z, r ⊥ )-plane around this minimum, with frequency ω ⊥ = 2π × 1 kHz. With this choice the transverse width of the condensate, r 0 , is significantly smaller than the radius of the torus. This implies that curvature effects are almost negligible in the ground state and in the in-trap dynamics and one can replace the torus of radius R with a cylinder of length L with periodic boundary conditions [5]. Curvature effects are instead important during the free expansion of the condensate, and therefore the full toroidal geometry is used for simulating the dynamics after the release from the trap. The choice made for the geometry and the parameters is intended to simulate feasible experiments, but the effects we are goi...