Agonist replacement may be a viable treatment approach for managing stimulant use disorders. This study sought to determine the effects of d-amphetamine maintenance on methamphetamine self-administration in stimulant using human participants. We predicted d-amphetamine maintenance would reduce methamphetamine self-administration. Eight participants completed the protocol, which tested two d-amphetamine maintenance conditions in counter-balanced order (0 and 40 mg/day). Participants completed 4 experimental sessions under each maintenance condition in which they first sampled one of four doses of intranasal methamphetamine (0, 10, 20, or 30 mg). Participants then had the opportunity to respond on a computerized progressive ratio task to earn portions of the sampled methamphetamine dose. Subject-rated drug-effect and physiological measures were completed at regular intervals prior to and after sampling methamphetamine. Methamphetamine was self-administered as an orderly function of dose regardless of the maintenance condition. Methamphetamine produced prototypical subject-rated effects on 13 items of the drug-effects questionnaires, 10 of which were attenuated by d-amphetamine maintenance (e.g., increased ratings were attenuated on items such as Any Effect, Like Drug, and Willing to Take Again on the Drug Effect Questionnaire). Methamphetamine produced significant increases in systolic blood pressure, which were attenuated by d-amphetamine maintenance compared to placebo maintenance. Methamphetamine was well tolerated during d-amphetamine maintenance and no adverse events occurred. Although d-amphetamine attenuated some subject-rated effects of methamphetamine, the self-administration results are concordant with those of clinical trials showing that d-amphetamine did not reduce methamphetamine use. Unique pharmacological approaches may be needed for treating amphetamine use disorders.