“…It has been shown that neonicotinoid exposure increases pathogen spore load and mortality in honeybees infected with the microsporidian Nosema ceranae (Alaux et al., ; Vidau et al., ; Pettis, van Engelsdorp, Johnson, & Dively, ; Retschnig, Neumann, & Williams, ). Similar results have been shown for honeybee viral (Di Prisco et al., ; Doublet, Labarussias, de Miranda, Moritz, & Paxton, ) and bacterial infection (López et al., ). In bumblebees, exposure to clothianidin and thiomethoxam and a trypanosome parasite reduce mother queen longevity in a greater than additive manner (Fauser‐Misslin et al., ), although effects on overwintering were less than additive, with strong early pesticide exposure effects masking later parasite effects (Fauser et al., ).…”