We unify step bunching ͑SB͒ instabilities occurring under various conditions on crystal surfaces below roughening. We show that when attachment-detachment of atoms at step edges is the rate-limiting process, the SB of interacting, concentric circular steps is equivalent to the commonly observed SB of interacting straight steps under deposition, desorption, or drift. We derive a continuum Lagrangian partial differential equation, which is used to study the onset of instabilities for circular steps. These findings place on a common ground SB instabilities from numerical simulations for circular steps and experimental observations of straight steps. Recent advances in the fabrication of small devices such as quantum dots have motivated theoretical research into the fundamental properties of surfaces at the nanoscale. Below the roughening transition temperature, 1 the evolution of crystal surfaces is governed by the motion of steps. 2 This motion is important in understanding phenomena such as pattern formation 3 and the self-assembly of nanostructures. 4 One of the most commonly studied surface phenomena is step bunching ͑SB͒, where steps cluster together tightly into widely separated bunches. 5 This instability has been observed experimentally on many different systems, e.g., see Refs. 6-8 Most theoretical studies of SB have focused on the idealized situation with straight steps. 3,9,10 However, as surface features become smaller, the step curvature should play an increasingly important role. 11 Therefore, a realistic model of step bunching must include both the effects of step curvature and step interactions. 1 Experimentally, the most common way to induce SB is to heat the surface using a direct current. 12 The resulting instability in straight steps has been understood on the basis of an asymmetry in the adatom density caused by a preferential drift. 13 However, the equivalent phenomenon in circular steps has received much less attention. Experiments for circular steps are not uncommon 14,15 and yet, very few theories currently exist that predict the onset of SB in circular steps ͑see Ref. 16, however, for a quasi-steady-state analysis͒.In this Brief Report, we discuss how curvature differences from one step to another can also induce a drift and, thus, give rise to SB. The main result is the derivation of a reduced partial differential equation ͑PDE͒, Eq. ͑12͒ below, which captures this effect and is able to predict the onset of SB instabilities for relaxing circular steps. We therefore unify SB phenomena in straight and circular steps by showing that they have a common physical and mathematical basis. In particular, our approach demonstrates that the effect of step line tension on SB is equivalent to that of a drift or of desorption and/or material deposition in the presence of a difference in the kinetic rates at step edges. This equivalence is shown by treating the step index as a continuum variable. 17 In the resulting PDEs for the step positions, the step line tension and the physical effects described ...