IzvlečekUDK 556.33:551.44(560) Harun Aydin, Mehmet EkmekÇi, Mehmet Evren Soylu: Karakterizacija in konceptualizacija reliktnega kraškega vodonosnika (Bilecik, Turkey) Na hidrogeološke lastnosti karbonatnih masivov vpliva več faktorjev, med njimi litostratigrafija, energijski gradienti, tekton ska aktivnost, tip erozijske baze, spreminjanje mor ske gladine in klimatske spremembe. Namen te raziskave je konceptuali zacija in karakterizacija zanimivega prime ra razkosanega relikt nega kraškega vodonosnika, znanega kot kraški sistem HarmanköyBeyyayla (HBKS) v Centralni Turčiji. Raziskovali smo značilnosti napajanja, pretakanja, skladiščenja in praznjenja vodonosnikov. V sistem Beyyayla in Döşkaya kar 85 % napajanja predstavlja alogeni dotok iz ponorov Beyyayla in Tozman 85 %. Ostali del je avtogeni di fuzni dotok z apnenčastega površja. Napajanje vodonosnika Nardin je pretežno avtogeno difuzno in v manjši meri avtoge no točkovno. V sistemu Beyyayla in Döşkaya se pretakanje vrši pretežno preko kraških kanalov, medtem ko je v vodonosniku Nardin pretakanje razpršeno. Celoten HBKS lahko razdelimo v tri vodozbirna območja Beyyayla, Döşkaya in Nardin, pri čemer imata Beyyayla in Döşkaya podobne hidrogeološke last nosti. Ključne besede: reliktni kras, konceptualni model, hidrokemi ja, analiza recesijske krivulje izvira, Turčija. The carbonate rocks in Turkey have different hydrogeological properties as a result of controlling karstification factors, such as lithostratigraphy, source of energy gradient, tectonic activ ity, type of erosion base, fluctuation in sea level, and climate change in their extended areas. This study was undertaken for the characterization and conceptualization of the hydrogeolog ical behavior of a unique example of the dissected relict karst aquifer, which is known as the HarmanköyBeyyayla Karst System (HBKS) in Central Turkey. In order to obtain the con ceptualization of the HBKS, properties of recharge, flow, stor age, and discharge was analyzed. The contribution of allogenic point recharge to the Beyyayla and Döşkaya aquifers occurs from the Beyyayla and Tozman sinkhole with approximately 85% of total recharge. The rest of the recharge takes place as autogenicdiffuse/point type from the limestone rockmass. The recharge on the Nardın aquifer originates from direct pre cipitation onto the limestone area mainly as autogenicdiffuse and, to lesser extent, as autogenicpoint. Groundwater flow occurs as conduit flow at the Beyyayla and Döşkaya aquifers and as dispersed flow at the Nardın aquifer. The evaluation of all parameters shows that the HBKS can be divided into three distinct subcatchments, namely, the Beyyayla, Döşkaya, and Nardın, while it has two different hydrogeological system so Beyyayla and Döşkaya have similar characteristics.