Marine biofouling is a major concern in the operational performance of submerged floating tunnels (SFTs). Within years after construction, marine growth increases the effective dimension and mass of the SFT and hence, can substantially affect the hydrodynamic forces and alter the buoyancy-weight ratio (BWR). Therefore, roughness height is one of the most crucial factors influencing the hydrodynamic performance of the SFT. We investigated the effects of marine fouling and flow behavior around the SFT with varying roughness properties at different Reynolds numbers. Furthermore, the cross-section geometry of an SFT has a significant effect on flow behavior. In this study, the influence of increased surface roughness as caused by marine fouling on an SFT is investigated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The roughness created by hard fouling is one of the main drivers of hydrodynamic changes (Marty et al., 2021).