Forced Rayleigh scattering, a relatively recently developed optical technique, is used to measure tracer diffusion coefficients in polymersolvent mixtures near the system glass transition temperature, T,. The technique has a wider range of potential application than has yet been realized, and so is presented in some detail. The objectives were to obtain data necessary to scrutinize free volume theory, and t o understand so-called anomalous, non-Fickian diffusion effects observed by others in polymer-solvent mixtures near T,. Data on dye tracer diffusion coefficients in the systems polyvinyl acetate-toluene, polystyrenetoluene, and polystyrene-tri-m-tolyl phosphate were obtained over a polymer concentration range from infinite dilution to 96 wt. YO. Small molecule diffusion coefficients are seen to vary by as much as nine orders of magnitude to cm2/s) over this concentration range. The data are in reasonable accord with expectations based on the DudaVrentas version of free-volume theory.