B A , 30093 ibstractOwing to rapid technological advancements and deregulation in the teleconimunications industry, oday's end-users have more service options to meet their business requirements. Telecommunication service iioviders are striving to meet their custonicrs' increasing expectations in terms of service quality and price. 'o meet these challenges, telecommunications providers must continue to improve their operations nvironment by making best use of einerging technological advancements for both the network element and etwork management domains. This paper will describe how telecommunications service providers may ptimize their operating environment based on end-customer service needs that provide the highest level of :liability and lowest operating cost. In addition, results of several joint planning studies that have involved :vering the considerable intelligence available in the emerging network technologies have shown that ignificant benefits, such as reductions in cycle time (90 percent), improved trouble report rates (60 percent), nd expense reduction (50 percent), can be achieved..
INTRODUCTIONIn an era of tremendous change and opportunity within the telecommunications industry, both eveloped and developing telecommunication service providers are being challenged to support many new m i c e offerings and provide higher service quality while maintaining cost-effective systems that support leir businesses processes. These new opportunities are, however, requiring that many telecommunication ioviders who have high1 y developed opcrations inliastructures explore fresh ways to reduce Operation, dministration, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAMW) costs as well as to accelerate the inmduction of : w services offerings. In the developing telecommunication environment, service providers must also zvelop OAM systems and business processes thnl are able to meet the same slrict service quality and price :mands of the global marketplace. To meet this challenge, a fundamental shift in operation practices must -: achieved by taking full advantage of the new OAM&P capabilities of SONET/SDH and next-generation -cess network technologies to consolidate the OAM requirenients for all services.The results of several OAM&P studies with North American telecommunications organizations indicate at the most significant opportunities for network modernization are within the local loop (Access)-a major 1st center that accounts for 60 percent of the developed telecommunication service providers' cost. The 'cess domain, one of the last areas of the network to be modernized, has become the telecommunications oviders' focus of network modernization plans as they strive to achieve signilicant operations costs and rvice quality improvements. Thus, the emphasis of this paper defines how next-generation digital-loop :vier (DLC) systems offer a potential significant solution set to operational modernization initiatives.
CUSTOMER-DRIVEN SERVICE CRITERIATo appreciate the significance of what is required, a short summary of the specific...