Together with the developing technologies of a fast-evolving Web environment, computers, and handheld devices, human-computer
IntroductionI nformation is the absolute means for social beings to improve themselves, control the environment, and organize their relations with nature and other people. However, with today's fast-evolving technologies and Internet environment, information is everywhere at any time. The challenge is obtaining useful information and dealing with that information with the utmost ease through interaction with computers. Human computer interaction occurs at the user interface, which has a distinct role in determining acceptance of a system. Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM), a model that explains how information systems users accept a technology when they are presented with a new one, acceptance of a system is explained as a function of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). There are several external variables that impact PU and PEOU, and those external factors affect system acceptance indirectly (Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw, 1989). The content and interface design of every single application should be addressed accordingly in a way to enhance the consumer's attitude about using the system by considering the related impact of external variables through system usage. Adding adaptivity into systems may be one of the ways to do so. This paper explores potential external variables that impact mobile system acceptance and the effects of those variables through the limited interface of a mobile device. We expect that different external variables have different impacts on PEOU and PU, and that adaptivity, one of the external variables that we mostly dwell upon, enhances both ease of use (EoU) and usefulness, and indirectly influences behavioral attitudes in mobile system adoption. Also, these external variables are expected to have effects on each other, which influences mobile information systems (IS) acceptance through mediation of PEOU, PU, and behavioral attitude. Prior to this study, in order to provide a more realistic set of variables as input to the final framework, several mobile user interface designs and prototypes were developed; and usability testings, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and a brainstorming session occurred, where the framework (an experimental study) was tested with a quantitative model.The framework provided here would help mobile platform developers to finetune their system features, including both product and service features, depending on the market segment of each product derived out of a platform. This study used a mobile travel guide service as the application platform.
Literature ReviewResearch has several streams related to our objectives. Many researchers in many studies and applications have delved into user interfaces, the interaction layer of the human-computer relationship, and the research has been conducted from several perspectives, including a significant amount of work specifically in the adoption of informati...