Spin-sensitive bleaching of the absorption of far-infrared radiation has been observed in p-type GaAs͞AlGaAs quantum well structures. The absorption of circularly polarized radiation saturates at lower intensities than that of linearly polarized light due to monopolar spin orientation in the first heavy-hole subband. Spin relaxation times of holes in p-type material in the range of tens of ps were derived from the intensity dependence of the absorption. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.057401 PACS numbers: 78.30.Fs, 68.65. -k, 73.50.Mx, 73.50.Pz The spin of electrons and holes in solid state systems is the decisive ingredient for active spintronic devices [1,2] and several schemes of quantum computation [3][4][5]. Especially the combination of ferromagnetic materials with semiconductors seems to be a promising combination for novel functional concepts. Open problems which have to be addressed in this respect involve spin injection into semiconductors, spin relaxation in low-dimensional semiconductor structures, as well as spin detection. Significant progress was made recently: it was shown that spin polarized electrons (or holes) can be injected from magnetic semiconductor materials into semiconductors [6,7]. The presence of spin polarized electrons can be probed by analyzing the Kerr effect [8] or by analyzing the degree of circular polarization of light which gets emitted when polarized electrons recombine with holes. The inverse process, exciting free carriers by circularly polarized light [9], is frequently used to prepare an ensemble of spin polarized carriers. In low-dimensional systems with band splitting in k space due to k-linear terms in the Hamiltonian optical excitation not only leads to a spin polarized ensemble of electrons but also to a current whose sign and magnitude depend on the degree of circular polarization of the incident light (circular photogalvanic effect [10]).For the realization of spintronic devices long spin dephasing times in quantum well (QW) structures are crucially needed. Spin transport must occur without destroying the relevant spin information. Current investigations of the spin lifetime in semiconductors [11][12][13][14][15][16] are based on optical spin orientation by interband excitation. Studies of such bipolar spin orientation, where both electrons and holes got excited, gave important insights into the mechanisms of spin relaxation. We show below that by combining the circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) [10] with saturation (bleaching of absorption) spectroscopy [17][18][19][20][21] we are able to probe spin relaxation for monopolar spin orientation. In contrast to the conventional methods of optical spin orientation, in our measurements only one type of charge carriers (electrons or holes) gets spin oriented and is involved in relaxation processes. This is achieved by using terahertz radiation which excites intraband or intersubband, but no interband, transitions. Monopolar spin orientation allows us to study spin relaxation without electron-hole interaction and excito...