Abstract. We introduce a notion of quasinormality for a nested pair S ⊂ R of ergodic discrete hyperfinite equivalence relations of type II 1 . (This is a natural extension of the normality concept due to Feldman-Sutherland-Zimmer.) Such pairs are characterized by an irreducible pair F ⊂ Q of countable amenable groups or rather (some special) their Polish closure F ⊂ Q. We show that "most" of the ergodic subrelations of R are quasinormal and classify them. An example of a nonquasinormal subrelation is given. We prove as an auxiliary statement that two cocycles of R with dense ranges in a Polish group are weakly equivalent.
IntroductionIt is well known that two ergodic finite measure-preserving actions of countable amenable groups are orbit equivalent [Dy], [CFW]. This can be rephrased in equivalent terms of measured equivalence relations [FM]: there exists a unique (up to isomorphism) hyperfinite discrete ergodic equivalence relation, say R, of type II 1 . A natural subsequent problem that arises here is to study subrelations of R and this is the main concern of the present paper.It was shown in [FSZ] how to associate a countable index set J and a cocycle σ : R → Σ(J) to any pair S ⊂ R of discrete ergodic type II 1 equivalence relations, where Σ(J) is the full permutation group of J. The cardinality of J is called the index of S ⊂ R and is related closely to the Jones index in the study of subvon-Neumann-algebras [Jo]. The cocycle σ is called the index cocycle of S ⊂ R. The weak equivalence class of σ depends only on the isomorphism class of the pair S ⊂ R.J. Feldman, C. E. Sutherland and R. J. Zimmer provided an elegant classification of ergodic hyperfinite pairs S ⊂ R in the following two cases: (a) S is normal, (b) S is of finite index in R [FSZ]. Remark that the case (b) was considered earlier by M. Gerber in a different context-she classified the finite extensions of ergodic probability-preserving transformations up to the "factor orbit equivalence" [Ge]. The purpose of this paper is to extend the above results to a wider class of subrelations, namely quasinormal ones.We call S quasinormal if σ (or its restriction to S) is regular, i.e. σ is cohomologous to a cocycle with dense range in a closed subgroup of Σ(J). The concept of