“…The nozzle approaches to a cylinder in the far fields, i.e, Ω ∩ {x n = k} → S ± as k → ±∞, respectively, (3.3) where K is a uniform constant, C = B(0, 1) × (−∞, +∞) is a unit cylinder in R n , B(0, 1) is unit ball in R n−1 centered at the origin, S ± are n − 1 dimensional simply connected C 2,α , x n is the longitudinal coordinate and x ′ = (x 1 , · · · , x n−1 ) ∈ R n−1 , see Fig 3. The main result of [26] is stated as follows: . Then as m ε 0 → M c , the solution sequence u ε (x) possess a subsequence (still denoted by) u ε (x) that converge strongly a.e.…”