A feasibility study of the inflow disk MHD generator for baseload applications was performed. Each design element, i.e., the combustor, inlet flow path, generator channel, diffuser, and magnet, was studied in detail in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of the overall system. Based on these results, the performance of the inflow disk generator was calculated for three different thermal inputs: 1250, 2000, and 2500 MW ( . It was shown that the performance of the inflow disk generator is similar to that of the diagonal generator within the uncertainty of the analysis. Nomenclature 7 X = spectral absorption coefficient C f = friction coefficient ? xb = Planck's spectral distribution of emissive power H = enthalpy L e = mean beam length p r = Prandtl number ? = heat flux = nozzle radius Re Dc = Reynolds number based on the combustor diameter St = Stanton number 4 = velocity i > = distance normal to wall x = angle between wall and axis 3 = effective emissivity of the gas : = emissivity of surface ? = momentum thickness, rO = {" (pu/p e u e ) (1 -u/u e ) (r-ycosa)dy JL = viscosity > = density 7 = Stefan-Boltzmann constant t> = energy thickness, r(Subscripts iw = adiabatic wall condition ? = condition at freestream edge of boundary layer = initial condition = reference state = stagnation condition to -stagnation condition at reservoir w = wall conditions