Background: In the context of the opioid epidemic and growing awareness of addiction as a public health concern, there are efforts to inform the public, patients, families, and policy makers about the factors that contribute to addiction and facilitate recovery. Several theoretical models provide useful frameworks for this discussion, but each of them has limitations. Objectives: This paper presents an accessible yet comprehensive theoretical model that integrates empirical evidence about addiction etiology and recovery using the nature-nurture paradigm. Results: The model presents substance use along a continuum, and identifies risk and protective factors in multiple domains that have been identified by research. The domains on the nature side of the model include genetic and biological factors, comorbid psychiatric and medical disorders, physiological reinforcement of substance use, and changes to neural mechanisms. The domains on the nurture side of the model include sociocultural factors, environmental factors, personality, emotions, cognitions, psychological reinforcement of substance use, and cognitive and behavioral changes. The progression from increased or decreased substance use to addiction or recovery is mediated by changes in neural mechanisms and cognitive and behavioral changes, which have feedback loops with the physiological and psychological reinforcement. Conclusions/Importance: This model is a useful heuristic, consistent with a public health framework, for discussing addiction and recovery with patients, their families, and the public. This integrated model of nature and nurture factors has the potential to inform clinical practice, consultation, research, prevention programs, educational programs, and public policy.
Overview of addiction etiology modelsOne of the earliest, and perhaps most influential, models of addiction was the Jellinek Curve, which illustrated experiences common for individuals during addiction and recovery