A preliminary investigation of the effect of pH and Mgs+ concentration on each individual rate constant is presented. Both k, and k, seem to exhibit the same p H profile.The action of various nucleophilic compounds on the galactosyl-enzyme has been tested. A peculiar effect of 2-mercaptoethanol has to be emphasized ; the behaviour of this nucleophile has been analyzed and discussed.The mechanism of catalysis by B-galactosidase from Escherichia coli is now under investigation in M e r e n t laboratories. However, the structure of the active center remains unknown. An attempt to determine it by classical chemical modifications is difficult ; the molecular weight of the protomer (135000) [ [5]. A more detailed analysis is given in the present paper. As briefly reported in a preliminary study, using a nucleophilic competition method [ll], the occurrence of a chemical intermediate following the Michaelis complex has been established. Further justication of this conclusion is given here. Two kinds of information could be expected from nucleophilic competition studies under steady-state conditions. On the one hand such a method allows one t o distinguish the steps preceding the intervention of water from the steps following it. I n this respect, the simplest scheme proposed to analyse the data is the following : where E, 5, ES and ES' stand for enzyme, substrate, Michaelis complex and second intermediate complex, P, is the aglycone part of the substrate, P, the galactose and P, the transfer product obtained by the action of the nucleophilic compound N on the EX' complex. The feasibility of analyzing the experimental results has been previously discussed. The catalytic constants for the three products are given by the expression [ 111 :and the Michaelis constant :