Brief, impulsive, large-amplitude (•ip/p -1) solar wind dynamic pressure pulses, recurring on time scales of 5 to 15 min, are common just upstream of the Earth's bow shock. When each pulse strikes the magnetopause, it launches a fast-mode compressional wave in the magnetosphere that can propagate antisunward faster than the magnetosheath flow. Consequently, the magnetopause bulges outward ahead of each contraction associated with a pressure pulse. These ridges generally propagate antisunward, although sunward motion is common on the early post-noon magnetopause. The greatest amplitude (-1 to 2 RE) magnetopause motion occurs on the prenoon magnetopause, at high-latitudes, and during periods of southward interplanetary magnetic field. The signatures of the pressure-pulse-driven magnetopause motion include a bipolar magnetic field signature normal to the nominal magnetopause, a rotation of the magnetic fidd away from both magnetosheath and magnetospheric orientations, a mixture of magnetosheath and magnetospheric plasmas, and high-speed magnetosheath plasma flows. The magnetopause boundary motion, in turn, drives transient compressions and shears in the dayside magnetospheric magnetic field. These compressions and shears map to the dayside auroral ionosphere, where the ground signatures produced by a single, brief, solar wind dynamic pressure pulse are an antisunward moving (sunward at early post-noon local times) double-convection vortex, associated with northsouth magnetic field perturbations, increased ELF/VLF wave activity, precipitating particles, and cosmic noise absorption. The ionospheric and magnetospheric signatures driven by solar wind pressure pulses greatly resemble those previously associated with flux transfer events.
MAGNETOSHEATH DYNAMIC PRESSURE VARIATIONSIn this section, we consider the characteristics of previously reported solar wind and magnetosheath dynamic pressure variations, emphasizing the variations associated with solar wind shocks, holes, and tangential discontinuities. We discuss recent evidence that the bow shock itself may modulate the solar wind dynamic pressure applied to the magnetosphere.
Solar WindAt least three solar wind features are associated with significant dynamic pressure variations: shocks, holes, and tangential discontinuities. The properties of corotating and traveling solar wind shocks are relatively well known. They bring increases (and occasionally decreases) in the solar wind density, velocity, and dynamic pressure to the Earth every several hours to days [Burlaga, 1969]. Although the dynamic pressure can increase by a factor of as much as 20 across solar wind shocks, factors of 3 are more common [Siscoe et al., 1968b]. Corotating shocks are aligned with the spiral IMF [Siscoe, 1972].By contrast, the dynamic pressure changes associated with tangential discontinuities [Burlaga, 1968[Burlaga, , 1969 and holes [Turner et al., 1977] are poorly known, partly because high time resolution plasma parameters were not previously available. Such small-scale fe...