Enzymes that phosphorylate, dephosphorylate, and ligate RNA 5′ and 3′ ends were discovered more than half a century ago and were eventually shown to repair purposeful site-specific endonucleolytic breaks in the RNA phosphodiester backbone. The pace of discovery and characterization of new candidate RNA repair activities in taxa from all phylogenetic domains greatly exceeds our understanding of the biological pathways in which they act. The key questions anent RNA break repair in vivo are ( a) identifying the triggers, agents, and targets of RNA cleavage and ( b) determining whether RNA repair results in restoration of the original RNA, modification of the RNA (by loss or gain at the ends), or rearrangements of the broken RNA segments (i.e., RNA recombination). This review provides a perspective on the discovery, mechanisms, and physiology of purposeful RNA break repair, highlighting exemplary repair pathways (e.g., tRNA restriction-repair and tRNA splicing) for which genetics has figured prominently in their elucidation. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Genetics, Volume 57 is November 2023. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates.