Abstract:In fermentations of lignocelluloses, redox potentials (If not indicated otherwise, redox potentials in Volt are taken versus Normal Hydrogen Reference Electrodes (NHE).) E 0 of laccases/plant peroxidases by 0.79/0.95 V enable oxidations of phenolic substrates and transformations of synthetic and substrate-derived compounds to radicals that mediate attacks on non-phenolic lignin (models) by 1.5 V. In consecutive one-electron abstractions, the redox mediator 2,2 -azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS) is oxidized by electro-or wet-chemistry to the green cation radical (ABTS •+ , 0.68 V) and the red dication (ABTS 2+ , 1.09 V). The enzyme/ABTS couple generates the stable ABTS •+ whose low E 0 cannot explain the couple's contemporary attack on non-phenolic lignins. This paradoxon indicates the non-confirmed production of the ligninolytic ABTS 2+ by the enzymes. During incubations of live sapwood chips in ABTS/H 2 O 2 to prove their constitutive peroxidase, the enzyme catalyzed the formation of the expected green-colored ABTS •+ solution that gradually turned red. Its spectrophotometric absorbance peaks at λ = 515-573 nm resembled those of ABTS 2+ at 518-520 nm. It is shown that portions of an ABTS •+ preparation with inactivated enzyme are reduced to ABTS during their abiotic oxidation of low-MW extractives from lignocelluloses to redox mediating radicals. The radicals, in turn, apparently transform the remaining ABTS •+ to red derivatives in the absence of functional oxidoreductases. Ultrafiltration and Liquid-Chromatography suggest the presence of a stable ABTS 2+ compound absorbing at 515 nm, red protein/ABTS adducts, and further ABTS moieties. Therefore, ABTS mediated lignin degradations could result from chain reactions of ABTS •+ -activated lignocellulose extractives and fissured rather than complete ABTS 2+ molecules.