“…Lamp Halogen: broad spectrum (UV/vis), steady-state emission, very inexpensive Spectrofl uorometers, microplate readers, time-resolved applications, detection and genotyping of mRNA [ 49 ] Xe: broad spectrum (UV/vis), high output power, steady-state and pulsed up to hundreds of Hz Hg and Hg-Ar: distinct lines with high power, Vis and IR LED (light-emitting diodes) Continuous wave (cw) or pulsed output up to MHz frequencies, spectral broadness about 20 nm, UV and Vis, usually low to moderate output power Spectrofl uorometers, excitation sources for time-resolved techniques, investigation of conformation dynamics of an E. coli membrane insertase [235] Laser (light amplifi cation by stimulated emission of radiation)…”