We have probed the microscopic distribution of 180°domains as a function of switching history in 40 nm epitaxial films of Pb͑Zr 0.30 Ti 0.70 ͒O 3 by analyzing interference effects in the x-ray scattering profiles. These as-grown films exhibit voltage offsets ͑imprint͒ in the polarization hysteresis loops, coupled with a strongly preferred polarization direction in the virgin state. Our x-ray results are consistent with models attributing the loss of switchable polarization to the inhibition of the formation of oppositely polarized domains in a unipolar matrix. One of the limitations of utilizing ferroelectric films for applications such as nonvolatile memories, is the tendency of some materials, e.g., Pb͑ZrTi͒O 3 , to exhibit a loss of switchable polarization with increasing switching cycles, a phenomenon known as fatigue. Fatigue may arise from several different underlying physical mechanisms. Two mechanisms are most frequently discussed. 1 In the first, fatigue occurs by pinning of ferroelectric domain walls within the bulk of a film containing a mixture of oppositely polarized domains. In the second, fatigue is the result of inhibition of the growth of oppositely polarized domains due to nucleus suppression at the film-electrode interfaces of a uniformly polarized matrix. By analysis of the electric field dependence of permittivity as a function of degree of fatigue in polycrystalline film, Colla et al. 1 have concluded that the primary fatigue mechanism under normal cycling conditions is nucleus suppression. Piezoresponse atomic force microscopy ͑AFM͒ studies 2 have found that the fatigued state can have a preferential polarization, and it has been found that fatigue can be reduced by asymmetric switching voltages. 3 These results also support a nucleus suppression model.In this letter, we report x-ray interference characterizations of the domain configurations after successive polarization reversals in ferroelectric heterostructures incorporating top and bottom electrodes. Interference effects occurring in x-ray scattering profiles of high-quality epitaxial ferroelectric films are extremely sensitive to the distribution of oppositely polarized ͑180°͒ domains. This method has been used previously to determine the unipolar character of the native 180°d omain distribution for an epixatial PbTiO 3 film on SrTiO 3 . 4 Here, we use this method to study the structural nature of fatigue in ferroelectric films. This x-ray technique provides direct characterization of the relative population of the two domains averaged over a macroscopic region, complementary to both electrical and AFM characterizations.The interference effects upon which this scattering technique relies require very high structural coherency between the film and substrate, which serves as a phase reference. Therefore, we have investigated a model epitaxial heterostructure consisted of a 40 nm ͑001͒ Pb͑Zr 0.3 Ti 0.7 ͒O 3 ͑PZT͒ film grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, 5 on a 136 nm ͑001͒ SrRuO 3 ͑SRO͒ film sputter deposited 6 on a (001) ...