Viral genome packaging into capsids is powered by high-forcegenerating motor proteins. In the presence of all packaging components, ATP-powered translocation in vitro expels all detectable tightly bound YOYO-1 dye from packaged short dsDNA substrates and removes all aminoacridine dye from packaged genomic DNA in vivo. In contrast, in the absence of packaging, the purified T4 packaging ATPase alone can only remove up to ∼1/3 of DNA-bound intercalating YOYO-1 dye molecules in the presence of ATP or ATP-γ-S. In sufficient concentration, intercalating dyes arrest packaging, but rare terminase mutations confer resistance. These distant mutations are highly interdependent in acquiring function and resistance and likely mark motor contact points with the translocating DNA. In stalled Y-DNAs, FRET has shown a decrease in distance from the phage T4 terminase C terminus to portal consistent with a linear motor, and in the Y-stem DNA compression between closely positioned dye pairs. Taken together with prior FRET studies of conformational changes in stalled Y-DNAs, removal of intercalating compounds by the packaging motor demonstrates conformational change in DNA during normal translocation at low packaging resistance and supports a proposed linear "DNA crunching" or torsional compression motor mechanism involving a transient gripand-release structural change in B form DNA.DNA structure | terminase inhibitors N ucleic acid translocation into an empty procapsid is a conserved capsid assembly mechanism found among diverse DNA and RNA viruses (1). High-resolution structures of all of the conserved motor components found among tailed dsDNA bacteriophages have been determined (2-5). The small bacteriophage T4 terminase protein gp16 is required for cutting and packaging the replicative DNA concatemer in vivo but is nonessential and inhibitory for linear DNA packaging in vitro (6). Thus, T4 DNA translocation in vitro can be driven by a two-component motor consisting of a prohead portal ring channel dodecamer situated at a single packaging vertex that is docked during packaging with gp17 terminase-ATPase. A linear packaging motor mechanism proposed that a terminase to portal DNA grip-and-release driven by a motor protein conformational change drives DNA into the prohead by a DNA compression motor stroke (7-10).It has long been known that acridine dyes inhibit bacteriophage development at concentrations below those that inhibit growth of the bacterial host. Phage mutations that confer resistance to such dyes arise through different mechanisms. Among these are mutations in the phage T4 terminase gene 17, called ac and q, that confer acridine and quinacrine resistance (11). All 9-aminoacridine (9AA) treatments have been shown by electron microscopy to arrest DNA packaging in vivo; however, whether the site of action of 9AA is the DNA, the active site of the packaging enzyme, or the enzyme DNA complex-in fact, acridines are known to inactivate protease active sites or virion proteins associated with DNA (reviewed by Black et al., in r...