“…The effects at A508 and A1579 may be because of (1) an allosteric effect transmitted along the peptide channel; (2) the presence of a secondary puromycin binding site that may or may not have functional relevance; or (3) peptidyl-puromycin release along the peptide channel+ We favor explanation (1), the allosteric effect, for the following reasons+ First, any binding of puromycin to a secondary ribosomal site is very weak and would probably not yield a footprint (Bourd et al+, 1983)+ Second, although both nucleotides lie close to the peptide exit site (Müller et al+, 2000), as a major effort was made to prepare 70S ribosomes and 50S subunits that were free of peptidyl-tRNA (Mahkno et al+, 1988), the identities and relative yields of all the nucleotide protections and enhancements were unaltered for E. coli 70S ribosomes, 50S subunits, and polysomes+ This renders it very unlikely that the A508 and A1579 effects are the result of puromycin-mediated peptide release along the peptide channel in our experiments+ However, such a process could explain the earlier puzzling result, obtained in more crudely prepared ribosomes, of a direct crosslink of [ 3 H]-p-azidopuromycin to L23 (Nicholson et al+, 1982a), which directly borders A508 and A1579 at the peptide-exit site (Fig+ 6B)+ Puromycin perturbs the position of the 39 end of a deacylated tRNA substrate bound in the P-site, leading to strong reductions in the tRNA crosslinks to F29 and F49+ Other peptidyl-transferase antibiotics also affect the yields of crosslinking, but only chloramphenicol and pristinamycin IIA produce such dramatic, albeit differing, effects (Kirillov et al+, 1999)+ Pristinamycin IIA abolished the F29 and F49 crosslinks and reduced the crosslink to F19, whereas chloramphenicol selectively abolished F29+ Therefore, most of the peptidyl-transferase drugs, including those previously assigned to the A-site, directly affect the positioning of the 39 end of P9-site-bound tRNA+ Because puromycin is considered to be a structural analog of the 39 end of an aminoacyl-tRNA substrate, it is reasonable to expect that there might be some correlation between the chemical footprints of puromycin and that of a tRNA substrate bound in the ribosomal A site+ Removal of the 39-terminal adenosine from yeast tRNA Phe , although not from E. coli tRNA Phe , bound in the presence of P-site-bound deacylated tRNA, resulted in increased modification of G2553 on E. coli ribosomes (unpubl+ data cited in Moazed & Noller, 1989)+ Moreover, removal of the acyl moiety led to increased reactivities of ⌿2555, A2602, and U2609 in E. coli 23S rRNA (Moazed & Noller, 1989)+ Although G2553 is protected by puromycin, none of the other nucleotides are affected+ This may reflect the fact that puromycin includes adenosine and 39-linked aminoacyl moieties (Fig+ 1), rather than a tRNA population containing a mixture of 29-and 39-linked aminoacyl groups in rapid equilibration via acyl transfer (Symons et al+, 1978;Moazed & Noller, 1989)+ Little is known about the molecular specificity of puromycin interactions with the ribosome+ It is unlikely to be from base pairing because the analogs, 1-N 6 -ethenoadenosine-Phe (Chladek et al+, 1976), inosine-L-Phe, cytidine-L-Phe, and 3-N 4 -ethenocytidine-Phe (Rychlik et al+, 1970)…”