There is a great interest currently in the properties of 111-V based dilute magnetic semiconductors. GaMnAs films grown at low temperature by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) have been studied by various groups world-wide. Layers are typically grown with low arsenic fluxes to minimise the concentration of native defects (arsenic anti-site defects). The material properties can often be improved by post growth annealing [l], which improves both the ferromagnetic transition temperature and electrical properties.Previously, most films have been grown using tetramers (AS& obtained by direct evaporation of arsenic. However, the incorporation lunetics of arsenic dimers (As2) [2] differ substantially from those of As4 [3], which leads to improved properties for both quantum wells and lasers grown at conventional MBE temperatures [4]. Because the surface lifetime of As2 is much shorter than AS^, we may expect GaMnAs films grown at low temperature with As2 to he better than corresponding films grown with A S~.For GaAs films, as the growth temperature is reduced, there is a transition from layers showing a single X-ray diffraction peak for asymmetric reflections to samples with a double peak, ie at low temperature the lattice parameter of the epitaxial layer is different fiom that of the substrate. This is due to the presence of antisite defects incorporated in the epitaxial films. This transition occurs at a lower temperature for films grown with As2, indicating that the antisite defect density.We have, therefore, grown GaMnAs films using As2 as a function of growth temperature and Mn flux. At high Mn fluxes or high growth temperatures, a three-dimensional (3D) growth mode is observed by reflection high-energy electron diffraction. At lower Mn fluxes or reduced growth temperature a two-dimensional (2D) growth mode is observed. As shown in Figure 1, we have mapped the transition region for a range of Mn fluxes from 0 to 8 x IO-'Torr for growth temperatures in the range 175 to 300'C. Ferromagnetic transition temperatures up to 75K are obtained for un-annealed films grown close to this 3D to 2D transition region as shown in Figure 2. The best samples have very high metallic conductivity and appear to be very homogeneous. After in-situ post growth annealing, the best samples show a transition temperature of 112K, comparable or better than previously reported values.