RESUMOO objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência da coloração dos frutos na emergência e no crescimento das plantas de Eugenia calycina Cambess (pitangueira-do-cerrado), assim como de substratos com diferentes proporções de material orgânico e estruturante. Palavras-chave: maturação do fruto, fruteiras nativas, pitangueira-do-cerrado, sementes.
Fruit Coloring and Substrate in Emergence and Growth of Eugenia calycina Cambess Seedlings
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of fruit coloring in emergence process and growth of Eugenia calycina Cambess seedlings, as well substrates with different proportions of organic and structuring material. Three experiments were conducted: the first of emergence; the second of plant growth, both with fruits of green color, orange/red, light red and dark red; and the third experiment was conducted to compare five mixture of Bioplant supplemented with Vermiculita and coconut i powder n the seedling growth, both in proportion of 20 and 40%. The fruit coloring did not influence the capacity of emergence, time (initial, mean and final), rate and synchrony of emergence of E. calycina seedlings. The growth of E. calycina seedlings is independent of fruit color up to 270 days. The Vermiculita and -coconut powder supplemented by Bioplant do not improved the plants growth up to 120 days of cultivation.