The indentation size effect (ISE) has been observed in numerous nanoindentation studies on crystalline materials; it is found that the hardness increases dramatically with decreasing indentation size -a "smaller is stronger" phenomenon. Some have attributed the ISE to the existence of strain gradients and the geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs). Since the GND density is directly related to the local lattice curvature, the Scanning X-ray Microdiffraction (µSXRD) technique, which can quantitatively measure relative lattice rotations through the streaking of Laue diffractions, can used to study the a) Present address: Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912; electronic mail: 2 strain gradients. The synchrotron µSXRD technique we use -which was developed at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), Berkeley Lab -allows for probing the local plastic behavior of crystals with sub-micrometer resolution. Using this technique, we studied the local plasticity for indentations of different depths in a Cu single crystal. Broadening of Laue diffractions (streaking) was observed, showing local crystal lattice rotation due to the indentation-induced plastic deformation. A quantitative analysis of the streaking allows us to estimate the average GND density in the indentation plastic zones. The size dependence of the hardness, as found by nanoindentation, will be described, and its correlation to the observed lattice rotations will be discussed.3