Using the techniques of reverse mathematics, we analyze the logical strength of statements similar to trichotomy and dichotomy for sequences of reals. Capitalizing on the connection between sequential statements and constructivity, we find computable restrictions of the statements for sequences and constructive restrictions of the original principles.
Axiom systems and encoding realsWe will examine several statements about real numbers and sequences of real numbers in the framework of reverse mathematics and in some formalizations of weak constructive analysis. From reverse mathematics, we will concentrate on the axiom systems RCA 0 , WKL 0 , and ACA 0 , which are described in detail by Simpson [8]. Very roughly, RCA 0 is a subsystem of second order arithmetic incorporating ordered semi-ring axioms, a restricted form of induction, and comprehension for ∆ 0 1 definable sets. The axiom system WKL 0 appends König's tree lemma restricted to 0-1 trees, and the system ACA 0 appends a comprehension scheme for arithmetically definable sets. ACA 0 is strictly stronger than WKL 0 , and WKL 0 is strictly stronger than RCA 0 .We will also make use of several formalizations of subsystems of constructive analysis, all variations of E-HA ω , which is intuitionistic arithmetic (Heyting arithmetic) in all finite types with an extensionality scheme. Unlike the reverse mathematics systems which use classical logic, these constructive systems omit the law of the excluded middle. For example, we will use extensions of E-HA ω , a form of Heyting arithmetic with