Ann A r b o r (IJ.S.A) ANATOMY AND MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES AROUND THE VESICAL NECK: HOW VESlCAL NECK POSITlON MIGHT AFFECT 1TS CLOSURE AIMS OF STUDY Initiation of micturition is associated with vesical neck descent, Simple displacement of the and arrest of urination, with its elevation. vesical neck could not influence its intraluminal pressure, unless some structure opposes this displacement. This study examines the morphology and mechanics of this region to see if some structural arrangement might allow vesical neck position to influence its opening or closure. METHODS Three types of observation were used to study the tissues around the vesical neck, minimizing distortion created by opening the retropubic space: 1) Dissection of an embalmed cadaver by removing the pubic bones. histologic slides of the pelvic viscera from 8 individuals, (0-37 years); fixed, in situ. 3 ) Dissection of 20 fresh cadavers (17-78 years) where tissues could be manipulated to recreate different vesical neck positions. RESULTS 2) Examination of 1500 serial Mallory and elastin stained An 8 cm fibrous band, composed primarily of collagen (arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis-ATFP), is suspended between the lower pubic bone and ischial spine bilaterally. A separate group of collagen, elastin, and smooth muscle fibers, (precervical arc=PCA) runs in a transverse orientation, between the two ATFP's in their anterior half and attachs to the anterior vesical neck (VN). In this region of the ATFP, the medial levator ani muscle (LAM) arises 3cm above the ATFP from its origin on the superior pubic ramus to run posteriorly, lying lateral to the ATFP. Posterior and lateral to the VN, the vaginal wall (Ilk') and VN's adventitia are attached to the LAM muscle, allowing it to control VN position through these connections. The configuration of the PCA changes with VN movement in a way which could influence VN closure. the VN to rotate posteriorly and inferiorly, by its attachment to the vaginal wall and VN adventitia, so it lies behind and below the origin of the PCA, in an orientation where the PCA pulls anteriorly on the VN, Relaxation of the LAM (Figl) allows 0 1988 Alan R. Liss, Inc. 162 Abstracts facilitating its opening. When the LAM contracts (Fig2) to resume its normal resting tone, it moves the urethra anteriorly. This compresses the VN against the PCA, favoring closure. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Figure 1: Relaxation Figure 2: Contraction CONCLUSIONS These anatomical observations, suggest the following hypotheses Relaxation of the levator ani muscles favors vesical neck opening by placing it in a posterior-inferior position where the PCA pulls its anterior wall forward. Contraction, moves the VN anteriorly, compressing it against the PCA, favoring closure.2 The visco-elastic characteristics of the passive detrusor have been extensively studied in the past and several types of lumped parameter models have been proposed. The validity of such models, however, have not been tested in the actively contracting bladder. The aim of this study was, using the forced oscil...