Trace amounts (ϳ5%) of the chloroplast ␣ subunit were found to be absolutely required for effective restoration of catalytic function to LiCl-treated chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum with the chloroplast  subunit (Avital, S., and Gromet-Elhanan, Z. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 7067-7072). To clarify the role of the ␣ subunit in the rebinding of , restoration of catalytic function, and conferral of sensitivity to the chloroplastspecific inhibitor tentoxin, LiCl-treated chromatophores were analyzed by immunoblotting before and after reconstitution with mixtures of R. rubrum and chloroplast ␣ and  subunits. The treated chromatophores were found to have lost, in addition to most of their  subunits, approximately a third of the ␣ subunits, and restoration of catalytic activity required rebinding of both subunits. The hybrid reconstituted with the R. rubrum ␣ and chloroplast  subunits was active in ATP synthesis as well as hydrolysis, and both activities were completely resistant to tentoxin. In contrast, a hybrid reconstituted with both chloroplast ␣ and  subunits restored only a MgATPase activity, which was fully inhibited by tentoxin. These results indicate that all three copies of the R. rubrum ␣ subunit are required for proton-coupled ATP synthesis, whereas for conferral of tentoxin sensitivity at least one copy of the chloroplast ␣ subunit is required together with the chloroplast  subunit. The hybrid system was further used to examine the effects of amino acid substitution at position 83 of the  subunit on sensitivity to tentoxin.The photosynthetic F 0 F 1 ATP synthases found in the thylakoids of chloroplasts and in the cytoplasmic membranes of photosynthetic bacteria couple the movement of protons down an electrochemical proton gradient to the synthesis of ATP during photophosphorylation. The general structure of these ATP synthases is highly conserved, consisting of F 0 , the membrane-spanning proton channel, and F 1 , the peripheral membrane sector, which contains the catalytic sites for reversible ATP synthesis. The F 0 is composed of four different subunits labeled a, b, bЈ, and c in photosynthetic bacteria (1) and I-IV in chloroplasts (2-4). The chloroplast F 0 subunits IV, I, II, and III are analogous to the bacterial a, b, bЈ, and c, respectively, with a probable stoichiometry of a 1 b 1 bЈ 1 c 9 -12 . F 1 from all sources is composed of five different subunits designated ␣ to ⑀ in order of decreasing molecular weight with a stoichiometry ofThe x-ray crystal structure of bovine heart mitochondrial F 1 (MF 1 ) 1 at 2.8-Å resolution (5) defined the three-dimensional structures of alternating ␣ and  subunits as forming a closed hexamer having a portion of the ␥ subunit embedded in its central cavity. Among the nucleotide binding sites, which are located one at each of the six ␣/ interfaces, the three catalytic sites, located predominantly on  subunits, were found to exist in three different conformational states. This asymmetric feature is compatible with the binding change mechanism, which...