After the depletion of their consumable components, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) become obsolete. In an attempt to close the loop of resources (i.e. products, components or materials) FMCGs can be designed with revalorisation services. In these product-service systems (PSSs) consumers are assigned a key role in closing the loops of resource flows. To understand and define this role, we dissected eighteen examples of PSSs. From this analysis, four dimensions emerged that characterise distinct aspects of the PSSs: the form of obsolescence; the change of resources from obsolete to operative or recoverable; the prerequisite activities required of consumers for revalorisation; and the facilitators of activities (i.e. investments and incentives). These dimensions were used to model four data-driven archetypical roles of consumers named after the interaction between consumers and the resource in the obsolete state, namely keep, bring, consign or abandon obsolete components. The research concluded that revalorisation always takes place in designated locations. The roles that consumers fulfil in closed-loop PSSs involve carrying out activities to position resources in such locations. The roles always come at a cost, but PSSs can be designed to reduce it. PSSs can also be designed to induce a perceivable value of obsolete resources, which can be used to increase role fulfilment. This research presents a comprehensive understanding of the roles of consumers in the specific context of closed-loop FMCGs, identifies tactics to increase the fulfilment of these roles and suggests further research on behaviours and PSSs to understand the roles of other stakeholders in various type of PSSs. 'prepare' Add a collection-and-return product or refill consumable. 'purchase' Make payment. 'become owner' Take home, receive or go to FMCG. 'stock' Keep inventory of operative resources. Use stage 'remove' Unpack for consumption (removed parts are not revalorised). 'prepare' Assemble FMCG or refill consumable. 'consume' Deplete consumable components. 'maintain' Extend lifetime of affected resources. Disposal stage 'remove' Disassemble and remove residue consumables (removed parts are not revalorised). 'stock' Keep inventory of obsolete resources. 'prepare' Assemble parcels of obsolete resources and/or plan and remember to take them into transit. 'transit' Move obsolete resources to designated locations. 'detach' Deposit or abandon obsolete resource.