Reference and encyclopedic book editions are characterized by complex technical and semantic features. Such editions contain articles that answer the predicted questions of potential consumers in a concise form and have semantic and compositional integrity, and text elements are characterized by a clearly defined structure, which is provided by the use of headings, sections, subheadings, etc. It is difficult to imagine the process of cognition of a particular subject area without the use of reference and encyclopedic editions. The challenges facing the humanity require immediate reactions, which is why the lion's share of reference and encyclopedic editions are now presented in electronic form. This transformation has not solved the design problem, but on the contrary, deepened it, increasing the variability of the necessary parameters selection. Reference and encyclopedic editions have many structural differences from other types of editions (art, popular science, etc.), the identification with which is unacceptable in terms of quality assurance. In view of the above, based on expert decisions, a set of factors of influence on the design process of reference and encyclopedic book editions has been singled out, a semantic network has been constructed and described, priority levels of factors have been established, a model of priority influence of factors on the quality of the analysed technological process has been constructed and optimized. The means of graph and network theory, elements of predicate logic, iterative methods, means of the hierarchical systems theory, methods of multicriteria optimization and pairwise comparisons have been used.