The HRSA-funded maternal and child health pipeline training programs (MCHPTPs) are a response to the critical need to diversify the MCH workforce, as a strategy to reduce health disparities in MCH populations. These MCHPTPs support students from undergraduate to graduate education and ultimately into the MCH workforce.
The models and components of training across the six MCHPTPs funded in 2016–2021 are summarized, to examine the design and delivery of undergraduate pipeline training and the insights gained across programs.
Strategies that emerged across training programs were organized into three themes: recruitment, support for student persistence (in education), and pipeline-to-workforce intentionality. Support for student persistence included financial support, mentoring, creating opportunity for students to develop a sense of belonging, and the use of research as a tool to promote learning and competitiveness for graduate education. Finally, the link to Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) long-term training and other MCHB opportunities for professional development contributed significant nuance to the pipeline-to-workforce objectives of these programs.
The MCHPTPs not only increase the diversity of the MCH workforce, they also actively prepare the next generation of MCH leaders. The intentional connection of undergraduates to the infrastructure and continuum of MCH training, underscores the comprehensive impact of this funding.