Background: Endobronchial lipomas (ELs) are extremely rare benign tumors that account for 0.1-0.4% of all bronchial tumors. Our study aims to better characterize these lesions based on their baseline demographic characteristics, size, location, association with smoking and establish a treatment modality of choice for such tumors.
Methods:We conducted a retrospective meta-analysis of 29 studies of EL reported from 1994 till present.These 29 studies yielded 36 patient encounters which were included in our study. Categorical outcomes were compared between study groups using chi-square test. P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Our study has shown that smaller lesions more likely to be ELs or benign lung tumors. Eighty percent of ELs had a size <1.5 cm (P=0.056) and the other tumor types had a size ≥1.5 cm.Conclusions: These tumors are difficult to diagnose due to their nonspecific presenting complaints unless pulmonologists maintain a high index of suspicion. Treatment options such surgical resection (SR) or bronchoscopic resection (BR) are available and interventions should be planned on a case-by-case basis by a multidisciplinary team.