Severe wasp sting symptoms can progress rapidly, often causing multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and, in some cases, even death. Early and comprehensive treatment is needed to avoid these outcomes. Here, we report the case of a patient with MODS due to severe wasp stings. The patient received conventional treatment combined with glucocorticoids, plasma exchange, hemoperfusion, and continuous renal replacement therapy and had a successful recovery. MODS is a serious potential complication of wasp stings. Early local wound treatment, antiallergy interventions, antishock therapy, fluid replacement, glucocorticoid administration, and blood purification treatments are required to treat MODS secondary to wasp stings. Our results suggest that a hybrid blood purification method involving plasma exchange combined with hemoperfusion and continuous renal replacement therapy is more clinically effective than the single blood purification method. Early use of high-dose glucocorticoids combined with a hybrid blood purification treatment method had a positive effect in managing our patient and may improve the prognosis of other patients with MODS.