Unicornuate uterus is a form of uterine anomalies which arise from failure of development and fusion of the Mullerian ducts, and accounts for about 2.4-13% of all Mullerian anomalies. This is a 30-year-old housewife referred for hysterosalpingography (HSG) on account of secondary infertility. The patient also had history of recurrent abortion in the first trimester. The HSG showed an ellipsoidal or Banana shaped uterus in the left lateral pelvic cavity with prominent left fallopian tube that showed peri-fimbrial spillage of contrast medium with non-demonstration of a communicating rudimentary horn. She also had a pelvic ultrasound that showed an empty uterus with a right hypoechoic solid area most likely the right rudimentary horn. We report the radiologic features of Unicornuate uterus due to its rare nature and peculiar presentation