Summary. An anatomical study of the superficial and deep circumfex iliac arteries in 43 formalinfixed cadavers is presented. The origin, calibre, course, branches, symmetry and variations of the vessels are pointed out as well as their special features related to surgical applications.
Etude anatomochirurgicale des art~res circonflexes iliaques superficielle et profonde: bases anatomiques de la confection du lambeau libre iliaque compos~ cutan~o-osseuxR~sum~. Une 6tude anatomique des art6res circonflexes iliaque superficielle et profonde est effectuge sur 43 cadavres formol6s. L'origine, le calibre, le trajet, les branches, la sym6trie et les variations des vaisseaux sont mis en 6vidence ainsi que leurs caract6res particuliers en vue d'une application chirurgicale.
Key words: Circumflex iliac arteries -Groin fap -Microvascular surgery -Cutaneous transplant -Osteocutaneous transplantThe superficial circumflex iliac artery (SCIA) (a. circumflexa ilium superficialis) and the deep circumflex iliac artery (DCIA) (a. circumflexa ilium profunda) are the key vessels of the free composed groin skin and iliac bone (os ilium) graft (Taylor and Watson 1978;Taylor et al. 1979;Allieu et al. 1980). The SCIA has been exhaustively studied since 1972 (McGregor and Jackson 1972;Smith et al. 1972;O'Brien et al. 1973;Ohmori and Harii 1975;Taylor and Daniel 1975; Baudet et al. 1976;Acland 1979;Allieu et al. 1980). The DCIA was the object of a very detailed study by Taylor et al. in 1979. More recently, A1-lieu et al. (1980 have studied the SCIA and the DCIA as an arterial pedicle for the free composed osteocutaneous iliac flap.The purpose of this work is to study the SCIA and DCIA in order to determine (1) the local and the peculiarities of their origins; (2)the relationships of their origins and courses to superficial landmarks easy to locate clinically, as the anterior superior iliac spine (spina iliaca anterior superior) and the inguinal ligament (lig. inguinale); (3) their frequency, calibre, branches, symmetry and variations; (4)their special features related to surgical applications.
Material and MethodForty-three formalin-fixed cadavers were dissected (18 bilaterally) in a total of 61 specimens from both sides (29 right and 32 left). The cadavers were of adults of both sexes (48 males and 13 females), whites, negroes and mulattoes, ages varying from 30 to 70 years approximately. After the dissection of the DCIA and SCIA tbllowing a protocol, a diagram of both arteries was made in every case. Then, the external diameter of the arteries was measured with a caliper rule at 2-3 mm from their origins using a magnifying glass (3 x ).Relating to the SCIA the following distances were measured (a) the distance between the origin of the artery and the point where the inguinal ligament crosses the femoral artery (a. femoralis); (b)the nearest distance between the course of the artery and the anterior superior iliac spine, measured either superiorly or inferiorly to this bony landmark; (c) the distance between the lateral border of the sar...