Zero-time kidney biopsies, obtained at time of transplantation, are performed in many transplant centers worldwide. Decisions on kidney discard, kidney allocation, and choice of peritransplant and posttransplant treatment are sometimes based on the histological information obtained from these biopsies. This comprehensive review evaluates the practical considerations of performing zero-time biopsies, the predictive performance of zero-time histology and composite histological scores, and the clinical utility of these biopsies. The predictive performance of individual histological lesions and of composite scores for posttransplant outcome is at best moderate. No single histological lesion or composite score is sufficiently robust to be included in algorithms for kidney discard. Dual kidney transplantation has been based on histological assessment of zero-time biopsies and improves outcome in individual patients, but the waitlist effects of this strategy remain obscure. Zero-time biopsies are valuable for clinical and translational research purposes, providing insight in risk factors for posttransplant events, and as baseline for comparison with posttransplant histology. The molecular phenotype of zero-time biopsies yields novel therapeutic targets for improvement of donor selection, peritransplant management and kidney preservation. It remains however highly unclear whether the molecular expression variation in zero-time biopsies could become a better predictor for posttransplant outcome than donor/recipient baseline demographic factors.