R. 2001. The biology of Canadian weeds. 112. Ulex europaeus L. Can. J. Plant Sci. 81: 325-337. Gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) is a leguminous shrub native to western Europe and North Africa. During the past century it has greatly expanded its adventive range in Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Europe, and along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America. In Canada, it is found in British Columbia (Vancouver, Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and Queen Charlotte Islands) where it is classed as a noxious weed. Gorse is also found from Virginia to Massachusetts on the east coast of North America. The shrub rapidly invades dry and disturbed areas, forming dense thickets that can suppress and inhibit native vegetation, including economically important conifer seedlings. It can occupy the same habitats as Scotch broom [Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link] but usually occurs on drier sites. Both of these legumes threaten native plant communities but U. europaeus persists longer and possesses conspicuous spines. Invasive characteristics of gorse include its evergreen habit, prolific seed production, longevity of seeds in the soil and nitrogen fixation. Human activities such as agriculture and construction of logging roads have accelerated the spread of gorse in British Columbia, but there is still an historic opportunity to restrict the population expansion that this species has exhibited in many other countries. Various methods of control (chemical, manual, biological and integrated) are evaluated. , mais il préfère habituellement des endroits plus secs. Ces deux légumineuses menacent les peuplements d'espèces indigènes, quoique la première persiste plus longtemps et présente des épines très évidentes. Parmi les caractéristiques qui font de l'ajonc d'Europe une plante envahissante, mentionnons un port semblable à celui des conifères, une production abondante de semences, la longévité des graines dans le sol et la capacité de fixer l'azote. Les activités humaines comme l'agriculture et la construction de chemins d'exploitation ont accéléré la propagation de l'ajonc d'Europe en Colombie-Britannique, mais on pourrait encore freiner son expansion, ce qui n'est plus le cas dans d'autres pays. Suit une évaluation de diverses méthodes de lutte (chimique, manuelle, biologique et intégrée).