Sudden cardiac death (SCD), especially in a young seemingly healthy individual, is a tragic and highly publicized event, which is often followed by a strong emotional reaction from the public and medical community." Although rare, SCD in the young is devastating to families and communities, underpinning our society's desire to avoid any R ESUM E La mort subite d'origine cardiaque (MSOC), en particulier chez une personne jeune et qui semblait être en bonne sant e, est un ev enement tragique et hautement m ediatis e qui engendre souvent de la part du public ou du milieu m edical un « appel à l'action ». La MSOC chez les jeunes, si elle est rare, n'en a pas moins des cons equences The Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Guidelines Committee identified the need for a Position Statement addressing cardiovascular (CV) screening of competitive athletes with particular attention to the 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). Currently, European and American recommendations exist, however the lack of a national position has led to tremendous variation of practice in Canada. 1 This statement provides appropriate, evidence-based recommendations for Canadian sporting organizations and institutions with a focus on the role of routine ECG screening in preventing sudden cardiac death (SCD). Methods and Terminology The CCS Guidelines Committee appointed co-chairs, and a primary and secondary panel to develop this document. The primary panel established its scope, identified topics, reviewed literature, prepared and voted on the recommendations on the