A 50‐year‐old man with a medical history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension was admitted to a university hospital for severe respiratory insufficiency caused by SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. His arterial blood pressure and blood oxygen levels were monitored through a plastic cannula inserted in the radial artery in the intensive care unit. After recovery from respiratory insufficiency, the patient was moved to a local hospital where hematoma formation and skin necrosis at the puncture site were noted. On the 25th day from the initial admission, the patient developed massive bleeding from the wound on the hematoma and was transferred to our hospital on emergency. A 6‐Fr sheath introducer was inserted through the right distal radial artery in the anatomical snuff box, and instant hemostasis was accomplished without external compression. Thereafter, percutaneous thrombin injection for the pseudoaneurysm was conducted under ultrasound guidance. However, bleeding from the pseudoaneurysm was still observed after radial sheath withdrawal. We then performed coil embolization of the radial artery, which involved a coil proximal to the aneurysm, four coils in the neck of the aneurysm, and two coils distal to the aneurysm. Permanent hemostasis was achieved with no further vascular complications.