250 Sperm Biology could potentially mediate a later transcriptome-level response to mating. The remaining mating-responsive genes were regulated by other aspects of mating that could not be tested in those experiments (such as mechanical stimuli, contact pheromones, energy expenditure, and non-Acp components of seminal fluid). In another study, the transcriptomes of courted but unmated females were compared to those of mated females (Lawniczak & Begun 2004). This study reported fewer genes with changes, and the mating-regulated genes they found overlapped significantly with those of the larger study (some differences were likely due to use of different microarray platforms and statistical analyses.) p0120 These microarray experiments used whole females. Thus, they could have missed changes in transcript levels that occurred in small groups of cells or only in particular tissues, or genes regulated in opposite directions in different tissues. Consistent with this prediction, a subsequent proteome-and transcriptome-level study of the lower reproductive tract of female Drosophila (Mack et al. 2006) detected genes that had been found in the whole-body analysis as well as genes that were not detected in that analysis and might thus be regulated in the reproductive tract only. That study also confirmed that gene expression changes are small shortly (<3 h) after mating, despite the physiological changes that occur during this time, but showed that at later postmating times (>6 h) there were larger fold changes in the transcriptome. p0130 Collectively, all of these studies suggest that initial changes in the physiology of the mated female derive from posttranscriptional or posttranslational effects on RNAs or proteins already present in the mature female. Later, large-scale transcriptome/proteome changes extend or carry out subsequent steps in the female's response. This hypothesis still needs to be tested, by determining the functions of some of the mating-regulated genes. p0140 Consistent with these findings, coculturing of bovine oviductal epithelial cells with sperm is reported to alter the profile of proteins secreted into the oviductal fluid (Ellington et al. 1993b; see also Fazeli et al. 2004 for related mouse study). Interestingly, proteins in some of the same classes are found in seminal fluid in Drosophila (Mueller et al. 2004), consistent with the idea that the male provides proteins that can modulate female reproductive processes in addition to inducing the female to synthesize proteins in these classes. s0070 7.2.2 Ejaculate-induced modification of female reproductive physiology p0150