“…THE Woods mine 30 km NNE of Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia, has been worked for ornamental rhodonite, and contains a range of other manganese-rich minerals including serandite (Kawachi, 1987), NaMn amphibole (Kawachi, 1991), namansilite and manganian aegirine (Kawachi and Coombs, 1993), sugilite (Kawachi et al, 1994), braunite, hausmannite, tephroite, rhodochrosite, and unidentified phases as well as quartz, albite, K-feldspar, barite, and apatite. In this paper we describe the BaMn 3 § analogue of lawsonite, the SrMn 3 § analogue of which, hennomartinite, was recently described from the Wessels mine, Kalahari, South Africa (Armbruster et al, 1992(Armbruster et al, , 1993.…”