We investigated whether psychiatric symptomatology, impulsivity, family and social dysfunction, and alcohol use mediate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and suicidality. The study population comprised 206 adolescent psychiatric inpatients and 203 age- and gender-matched adolescents from the community. ACEs and suicidality were assessed using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children - Present and Lifetime version, the Life Events Checklist, and a structured background data collection sheet. Psychiatric symptomatology was measured using the Symptom Checklist -90. Impulsivity, social dysfunction, and family dysfunction were measured using the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire, and alcohol use was assessed with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. A simple mediation test and multiple mediation analyses were conducted. A positive direct effect of ACEs on suicidality was observed. Also seen was a positive indirect effect of ACEs on suicidality through psychiatric symptomatology, impulsivity, and family and social dysfunctions. Alcohol misuse did not, however, mediate the relationship between ACEs and suicidality. According to the multiple mediation analyses, psychiatric symptomatology was the most significant mediator, followed by impulsivity. Psychiatric symptoms, impulsivity, and family and social dysfunctions are factors that should be taken into consideration when assessing suicidality in adolescents.